Ep 62: What's Holding You Back, Finding Your Musical Style, & Not Overthinking Sub Genres

In episode 62, we face the things that may be holding us back from being our best and going to the next level. We also talk about sub genres and not overthinking as you're writing and playing music.

Just play what comes out instead of forcing it to be something specific.

And through that, we talk about finding your own musical style and how that can be a combination of many styles.

***Be sure to check out our courses for rock and metal musicians here: https://metalmastermind.com/courses/

***Subscribe to our Metal Mastermind YouTube channel for metal musician tips and encouragement: https://www.youtube.com/@metalmastermind

Thank you for listening to the Metal Mastermind podcast.

Create your own sound,

Jason Stallworth & Ken Candelas